What's that, you say? You buy your Lego blocks at the store, or from strangers on the internet? Well, in this family, we believe in self-reliance when it comes to all things, including toys. You might have guessed we'd figure out a way to grow our own.
But do not despair, dear reader! Because we also believe very strongly in sharing information with others, so that we can all fight the man and live off the grid and stop wearing shoes!
All you need are a few Lego "seeds," some soil, a tool to dig it with (egg spoons are perfect, btw, yw) and a container. Any cup or pot will do. We use peat pots, because we feel it is so important to utilize biodegradable items, even when growing chunks of plastic.
You know, go green.
Don't forget to dampen the seeds and soil with a generous splash of whole milk. Nothing makes them sprout faster!
Thanks for reading, and best of luck trying this project at home. Be sure to check the BU YouTube channel for our Bionicle pruning and grafting videos!